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Our Food is Yam Good!!!!

You'll be a Yam fool not to try it. 





Rolling Dough

Our Food is Yam Good!!
Handcrafted Sweet Potato Baked Food.
Made to Perfection.

At Yams Foods, we specialize in creating delicious sweet potato cookies, pound cakes, and cornbread using traditional methods and the finest ingredients. Each treat is made to perfection to bring a smile to your face and a delight to your taste buds. 


Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts. Eat more dessert, have less stress. 


Yams Foods 

Yams Food is a packaged food company. We create sweet potato cookies and cookie dough, cakes, and 5 n 1 mix. Our food is made with real sweet potatoes and high-quality ingredients. During the holidays, we open the bakery part of Yams Foods so that our customers can order ready-made cookies and cakes.


Yams was founded by an startuppreneur who is passionate about sweet potatoes and baking. She discovered the amazing potential that sweet potatoes have in the world of pastry and decided to create a company that specializes in sweet potato baked goods. At Yams Foods, we believe that the possibilities are endless and we are always exploring new and exciting ways to incorporate sweet potatoes into our products.


Yams Foods is a woman and minority-owned business. We incorporate scripture-based philosophies in our business practices.


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